How to Use Action Parameters for Different Funnel Flows

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The funnel source attribute allows you to take different actions when it is present in the campaign link. Like the country, language, and other similar variables, it is part of the funnel’s context data. This article uses the email channel and HTML banners to explain how to add this resource to all your communications.

Although we will leverage message displays to demonstrate the funnel source, you can apply the same concepts in more complex funnel flows.

Add IF Blocks and Configure the Conditions

To begin, drag and drop an IF block to the funnel steps area and follow the steps below.

  1. Select the block and click Edit step.

  2. Under Context Data, hit New condition and choose Funnel Source.

  3. Next to Source triggering funnel is enter north, which is the same variable we will use later in the call to action:

  4. Connect the Yes branch to a message display that says You came here from the north and has Welcome as the title:

  5. Wire the No line to another IF block.

  6. Edit the step with south as funnel source.

  7. Connect the Yes branch of the second IF block to another message display with a slightly different message:

  8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 with a third IF block that has east as the funnel source.

  9. Link the No line to a default message display that says You came here from the west:

Regardless of the channel, you can include the funnel source in the campaign link through one of the following methods:

  • Add it as the second argument to the startFunnel function in the click event ('north', 'south', 'east', and 'west' in the example below):
<!-- North -->
  onclick=", 'north')"
  Learn More
<!-- South -->
  onclick=", 'south')"
  Learn More
<!-- East -->
  onclick=", 'east')"
  Learn More
<!-- West -->
  onclick=", 'west')"
  Learn More

  • Append it to the variable with a colon as separator (for example, {{}} as shown next):

For dynamic images, you can also include the funnel source in the textbox after selecting Link to Campaign:

Before you proceed, do not forget to save and publish the changes.

Send Your Communications

The next time your customers click on the campaign link, they will see the corresponding message display. The following image shows the funnel source and the redirection screen after hitting the dynamic image that pointed to south: