Uploading Data to Prisma

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The information you upload to Prisma serves two purposes:

  • Creating audiences involves segmenting customers or members through filters and rules.
  • Personalizing messages entails using the person’s name or data about the offer for that specific individual in the message.

Basic Information

To upload data, you need a few pieces of basic information (name and contact information at the very least) as you can see in this file:

  • Member or customer ID
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • City
  • Email address
  • Cell phone
  • Etc.

Products Information

Additionally, you may want to upload the person’s list of products to create campaign audiences based on that information (people who have a loan, a credit card, etc.). In that case, you will use fields like the ones below:

  • Product ID
  • Product description
  • Acquisition date
  • Last update
  • Other (such as amount, limit, expiration date, balance, etc.)

Refer to this CSV file for more examples.

Important: When uploading products, consolidate all the attributes into a single field by separating each one with a delimiter other than the comma (",") or the semicolon (";"). In the following example, we use a pipe (“|”) to that effect.

"1","01|0|Regular Share|1|1988-01-29|1270.10|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|> 0"
"1","30|0|Bonus Checking|35|1987-05-07|3017.21|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0"
"2","01|1|Regular Share|1|1954-06-30|525.70|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0"
"3","01|1|Regular Share|1|1954-06-30|525.70|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0"
"3","01|1|Regular Share|1|1954-06-30|525.70|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0"

The above list shows that you need to add a row for each customer/product combination. In this example, the customers with IDs 1 and 3 have two products, whereas the customer with ID 2 has only one. For clarity, we suggest you to create a data dictionary with the meaning of each product attribute according to its position.

To illustrate, let us consider the first row:

01|0|Regular Share|1|1988-01-29|1270.10|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0

Position Data Reference
0 01 Product ID
1 0 Code
2 Regular Share Description

When you create a field that may contain multiple products, you need to set cardinality = many. This indicates that the field lets you store multiple values as opposed to cardinality = one, which allows a single value.

Creating Fields in Prisma

Each piece of data resides in spaces appropriate for that type called fields. For example, use Date if you need to store a date, Number for integers, Decimal for floating-point quantities (amounts, for example), etc. You assign the data type when creating the field in Prisma before importing information.

Also, you can generate fields while uploading a file. If doing so is more convenient for you, you can do it either when importing information or configuring the column mapping. This approach spares you from having to create the fields beforehand.

For references to existing data types, file uploads and column mapping settings, refer to the following links:

Import File Format Specification

  • Format: text file (.csv).
  • File Name: usually fixed, but it may contain a variable part like the date (e.g. prisma_extract_20220109.csv).
  • Structure: include headers in the first line separated by a comma (",") or a semicolon (";") between double quotes (“a field”) if it contains spaces. However, we recommend using column names without spaces. The lines that include actual data should follow the same format separated by EOLs (End Of Line).
  • Known limitations