Prisma Configuration

The process of configuring Prisma for the first time involves a sequence of steps that should preferably be followed in the established order. The minimum steps required for its correct configuration are those described in the following table. Following the numerals you will be able to complete a successful configuration of the tool.

  1. Data Integration: Prisma provides different integration methods for your data that you can choose and thus carry out the best strategy that suits your needs.

  2. Channel Configuration: In order to communicate with your customers, it is necessary to configure the shipping methods that you will use, either the location of the banners on a website (Placeholders) or the services that will be delivered by the outgoing communications (SMTP, Mailgun, Twillio, or others).

  3. Client Side Integrations: For the campaigns to finally be shown to the client, it is necessary to complete the configuration by adding the integration code in the web and / or mobile application that the client will visit.

Prisma Configuration

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