How to Avoid Falling Into Spam?

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There is a set of practices that help to minimize the possibility of your emails being detected as SPAM, as well as the fact that some email brokers block your domain. These practices involve from the management of your mailing list, the sending policy, to the subject and content to be sent.


The number one reason why the domain can be blocked is because you are using a bad mailing list. Most of these lists have incorrect email addresses and include spam traps. ESPs are good in the recognition of bad mailing lists.

  • Sometimes it is a good idea to separate the domains by the type of messages you are sending. For example, some companies use different domains and subdomains for mass marketing emails and transactional or corporate mail in order to maintain separate reputations.

  • Clean your mailing list of invalid email addresses.

  • Only send emails to recipients who have registered to receive them.

  • Check that the email address is correct with an email of confirmation (aka, confirmed opt-in).

  • We recommended to use an email validator (Kickbox - paid, Mailgun - free) to reduce the nonvalid directions of electronic mail.

  • Do not buy or obtain your mailing lists from a different website.

  • Be careful when writing the contents of the “Subject”. Many anti-spam filters calculate the likelihood that the received email is spam or not based on the words it contains, for example “viagra”, “free” or “enlarge” are more likely to be classified as spam than others. This figure is called “spamicity” and when it exceeds a threshold (e.g. 90%), the email is marked as spam. In addition, it is recommended that you never write the email subject in upper case letters.

-With regard to the body of the email, these are some brief but effective recommendations to avoid the anti-spam filters by content:

-Avoid using a too commercial style in the drafting of its contents.

  • Avoid overly aggressive expressions and words such as “FREE”, “BUY NOW” or “DISCOUNTS”.

  • Avoid excessive use of exclamation marks or symbols such as $$.

-Avoid the use of the phrase “click here”.

-Avoid repeating phrases and unclear instructions.

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