JavaScript parameters, integrations, and examples (SDK)

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Prisma Campaigns provides a library that includes a set of controls to perform the integration using JavaScript. We recommend using this strategy with web applications (both desktop and mobile) and other solutions developed using frameworks with JavaScript support (Phonegap/Cordova and Titanium, to name two examples). Thus, it is not necessary to resort to other external resources to ensure the correct operation of web channels.

Installing the SDK

Before using the library in a web environment, you need to insert the code below inside the <body> element:

<script type='text/javascript' src='http://SERVER:PORT/sdk/javascript/prisma.js'></script>
<script type = "text/javascript" >

The SERVER, PORT, and APP_TOKEN variables are application-specific and are available in Settings/Applications, while CUSTOMER_ID and the INTEGRATIONS vector are the responsibility of the person in charge of the integration. If you select the target channel in this section, you will be able to access the integration code with the preloaded values.

The following table shows more details about each integration parameter:

Parameter Data type Required Description
SERVER string Yes Server name where Prisma Campaigns is installed
PORT string Yes Listening port
APP_TOKEN string Yes Access token for the current application
CUSTOMER_ID string Yes Customer ID (if available), or an empty string ("") otherwise
INTEGRATIONS vector Yes Vector with the list of placeholders to be integrated into the current page
PROTOCOL string No Connection protocol (http or https) based on SSL availability
OPTIONS string No Optional integration parameters, callbacks, and other elements

It is important to note that this code will load the library asynchronously, which means the site will load fast despite the dependency.

Integrating Placeholders

This section describes the keys allowed in each element of the INTEGRATIONS vector:

Key Data type Required Description
placeholderId string Yes Placeholder ID as configured in Prisma Campaigns
elemendId string Yes HTML element ID where placeholder banners will be loaded
unrolled boolean No If the placeholder supports multiple campaigns, this parameter indicates if all of them will be displayed simultaneously (unrolled) or not. The default value is false.
fallbackUrl string No Fallback URL in case the campaign platform is not available
context Object No Placeholder context that can be used to filter qualifying campaigns
isolated boolean No This parameter enables displaying a banner in an isolated iframe to avoid affecting the page styles. The default value is true.

Example 1 - Initializing 3 separate placeholders:

<script type='text/javascript'>
   prisma.load('localhost', '443', '8e2626da-4ee1-45c7-b269-50df530dbc6e',
      "137-W", [
                {placeholderId: "MainHomeBanner", elementId: "banner_flash"},
                {placeholderId: "RightHomeBanner", elementId: "banner_right"},
                {placeholderId: "LeftHomeBanner", elementId: "banner_left"}

Example 2 - Integrating a single placeholder in unrolled carrousel mode with context filter:

<script type='text/javascript'>
   prisma.load('localhost', '443', '8e2626da-4ee1-45c7-b269-50df530dbc6e',
      "137-W", [
                {placeholderId: "PromocionesHome",
                    context: {"productId" : "1234"},
                    unrolled : true,
                    elementId : "promo_list"}

Note: The above examples use the 137-W fixed value as customer ID. To implement the integration in a production environment, this field must be populated dynamically for each customer.

Optional Parameters

This section lists the keys allowed in the OPTIONS vector:

Key Data type Description
onLoaded function Callback that is executed once the initialization is finished
onLoadFailed function Callback that is invoked in case there are any errors during the initialization process
onRedirect function Callback that is triggered after a funnel redirection
onPopup function Callback that controls the display of popups
storageType string Determines how browsing information will be stored (local or cookies, where the former is the default)
reloadPopupsOnReset boolean Determines if popups should be shown after reloading the integration (after conversion, for example), with false as the default value
language string Indicates the internationalization language (es by default)
useTranslator boolean Indicates if internationalization will be used (true by default)
channel string Channel being integrated (web by default)
platform string Determines the integration platform with the browser name as default value (chrome, firefox, etc)

Next, we will illustrate the use of the onLoaded, onLoadFailed, and onRedirect functions.


This function takes as parameters the banners that are available for a given customer:

<div id="container"></div>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var onLoaded = function(banners) {
    console.log("Prisma Campaigns was loaded correctly");

prisma.load('', '80', '8e2626da-4ee1-45c7-b269-50df530dbc6e',
            "137-W", [{"placeholderId": "MainBanner", "elementId": "container"}],
            "http:", {onLoaded: onLoaded});


In this case, the optional parameter named error returns the load error with the following attributes:

Key Data type Description
data string Error information
status string HTTP response code
<div id="container"></div>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var onLoadFailed = function(error) {
    console.log("There was an error during the initialization of Prisma Campaigns");

prisma.load('', '80', '8e2626da-4ee1-45c7-b269-50df530dbc6e',
            "137-W", [{"placeholderId": "MainBanner", "elementId": "container"}],
            "http:", {onLoadFailed: onLoadFailed});


This function takes as parameter the redirection URL:

<div id="container"></div>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var onRedirect = function(url) {
    console.log("You will be redirected to" + url);

prisma.load('', '80', '8e2626da-4ee1-45c7-b269-50df530dbc6e',
            "137-W", [{"placeholderId": "MainBanner", "elementId": "container"}],
            "http:", {onRedirect: onRedirect});


This section illustrates a few use cases with a brief detail about their implementation. Although there are no restrictions as to the HTML element where banners will be displayed, it will usually be a <div>.

Anonymous Public Access

In this scenario, you have a public site with a single placeholder available (Portal - Main Banner) that you want to display in mainbanner and an unidentified customer, so the CUSTOMER_ID parameter is sent empty.

<script type = "text/javascript">
prisma.load("", "80", "175b18e2-08f2-43c2-953a-91f370a0fe23",
            "", [{placeholderId : "Portal - Main Banner", elementId : "mainbanner"}]);

Identified Access

When the person browsing the site is a known client, you should pass the corresponding ID as a parameter to the load method. The code below assumes that this data is available in session.customer_id and that the page will show the images inside of the elements identified by left_banner and right_banner:

<script type = "text/javascript">
prisma.load("", "80", "175b18e2-08f2-43c2-953a-91f370a0fe23", session.customer_id,
            [{placeholderId : "Position - Left", elementId: "left_banner"},
            {placeholderId : "Position - Right", elementId: "right_banner"}]);

Campaign List

After calling load as explained previously, you can retrieve all the active campaigns for a specific customer using activeCampaigns. The syntax of this function and the list of available parameters are as follows:

activeCampaigns(customerId, category, group, fnResults)
Parameter Data type Required Description
customerId string Yes Customer ID (if available) or an empty string ("") otherwise
category string No Optional parameter to filter campaigns by category
group string No Optional parameter to filter campaigns by group
fnResults function No Asynchronous function that is called upon receiving the response

The fnResults function receives a list of campaigns with the following fields: name, category, group, customOffer and funnelUrl. By using this resource, you can fetch the names of those campaigns to name an example:

prisma.client.activeCampaigns("137-W", "Sales","Mortgages",
function (campaigns) {
    for (var i = 0 ; i < campaigns.length; i++) {

Likewise, you can trigger the conversion funnel of a given campaign in a new window:

prisma.client.activeCampaigns("137-W", "Sales","Mortgages",
function (campaigns) {
    for (var i = 0 ; i < campaigns.length; i++) {
        if (campaigns[i].customOffer.mortgageRate != undefined) {

The above example will retrieve campaigns associated with mortgage sales and will trigger the funnel of the one with higher priority where the mortgageRate field is defined.

Personalized Carrousel

Through onLoaded, you can create banners using controls o custom components other than the ones provided in the SDK. To accomplish this goal, you need to take the following items into account:

  1. The elementId parameter, which represents an HTML element, must be null.

  2. The onLoaded function takes the list of banners in a dictionary where each key is the placeholder ID.

It is important to note that each item in the response contains a list of images in the images attribute, in case two or more matching campaigns are found. The next steps consists of displaying the banner or image somewhere in the page using the show method:

<div id="my-parent"></div>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var onLoaded = function(banners) {
    var carouselParent = document.getElementById("my-parent");
    var prisma = this;
          var banner = banners["MainBanner"];
          for (var i = 0; i < banner.images.length; i++) {
              var image = banner.images[i];

prisma.load('', '80', '8e2626da-4ee1-45c7-b269-50df530dbc6e',
            "137-W", [{"placeholderId" : "MainBanner", "elementId" : null}],
            "http:", {onLoaded : onLoaded});

In this example, the page will display the image or HTML banners associated with MainBanner inside of my-parent.

Personalized Popups

The onPopup function handles how the application will display popups. To that effect, you need to pass the popup as parameter as onPopup(popup):

<div id="my-parent"></div>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var onPopup = function(popup) {
    if (popup.banner.category == "Ventas") {
        // 1. Display the popup in a personalized manner
        // 2. Returning true means that the system should not display the popup since it was done separately
        return true;

prisma.load('', '80', '8e2626da-4ee1-45c7-b269-50df530dbc6e',
            "137-W", [{"placeholderId" : "MainBanner", "elementId" : null},],
            "http:", {onPopup : onPopup});

In this case, you should include a callback called onPopup in the OPTIONS parameter of the load method, as illustrated above. The integration will invoke the function whenever there is a popup to display among the list of campaigns for the current user.

The popup parameters should be specified as follows:

Parameter Data type Required Description
width long Yes Placeholder width
height string Yes Placeholder height
banner Banner Yes Configuration of the banner to display in the popup
hideClose boolean Yes Determines if the close button should be hidden, based on the platform configuration
dismissFn function No Function to execute when the customer dismisses a campaign if this action is allowed

The banner parameter has different attributes depending on whether it consists of an image or HTML code. Thus, it allows you to display the popup in a customized way according to the requirements in one of the following ways:

Parameter Data type Description
width long Placeholder width
height string Placeholder height
category string Category of the campaign associated with the banner (if available) or an empty string otherwise
group string Group of the campaign associated with the banner (if available) or an empty string otherwise
Funnel funnel Campaign funnel configuration
isolated boolean Indicates if the popup was requested in isolated mode
content string HTML content of the banner
Parameter Data type Description
width long Placeholder width
height string Placeholder height
category string Category of the campaign associated with the banner (if available) or an empty string otherwise
group string Group of the campaign associated with the banner (if available) or an empty string otherwise
Funnel funnel Campaign funnel configuration
link string Link of the image to be displayed in the banner


When a customer converts in a given campaign, you can call the convert method as follows:

<script type='text/javascript' src='http://SERVER:PORT/sdk/javascript/prisma.js'></script>
<script type = "text/javascript" >

The SERVER, PORT, APP_TOKEN and PROTOCOL parameters are the same as in previous cases. The other two are outlined in the table below:

Parameter Data type Required Description
CAMPAIGN_ID string Yes Campaign ID as given in the redirect URL
CALLBACK function No The function to execute after conversion takes the API response as parameter

Usually, a funnel step will redirect to an external tool (web application). In this action, you need to send three parameters within the query (campaign-id, trail-id, and funnel-node-id) that can be obtained in the backend or using JavaScript in the browser:

<script type = "text/javascript" >
    function getParameterByName(name, url) {
        if (!url) url = window.location.href;
        name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
        var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
            results = regex.exec(url);
        if (!results) return null;
        if (!results[2]) return '';
        return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));


To display HTML banners in a Cordova app, you need to meet one of the following conditions:

  • Set isolated = false for the placeholder to avoid creating the banner inside of an *iframe.
  • Add the rule <allow-navigation href="about:" /> or <allow-navigation href="*" /> to the Cordova config.xml to display the banner iframe.