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Prisma Campaigns provides a framework library with a set of controls and classes for the integration with iOS using Swift 4. The Library Reference section below explains how to reference the library in your Xcode project in more detail.

Download framework

Download Podspec

First steps

The Prisma client library requires the following initialization parameters:

load(String server, String port, String appToken, String customer, String protocol)


  • param String server and param String port: server name and port where the Prisma service resides and is listening.
  • param String appToken: access token for the current application.
  • param String customer: customer ID (if available). Otherwise, pass an empty string ("").
  • param String protocol: Connection protocol (https by default).

To begin, import the Prisma SDK and invoke the Client.load() static method only once, preferably in the AppDelegate class when the application finishes loading:

import Prisma

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        Client.load(server: "localhost", port: "8080", appToken: "22dae0ad-a6a8-4767-80bc-b29098147813", customer: "1234")

        return true

Since the Client class is a singleton, it will return the same instance of the object whenever the application calls it through the shared static attribute as Client.shared!.

Embedded banners

To integrate a banner into an iOS View and load dynamic content, you can use the Placeholder control as follows:

First, add a Horizontal Stack View control to the view:

Next, link the control to the Placeholder class provided by the Prisma framework:

and name the placeholder according to the campaign settings:

Then create an Outlet for Placeholder:

It is worth noting that you should name this variable to reference the placeholder during page synchronization properly.

Finally, synchronize campaigns when creating the view:

import Prisma

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var MainPH: Placeholder!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        Client.shared!.syncView(viewName: "Main", placeholders: [MainPH])

In this case, the placeholders parameter should include the list of placeholders defined as outlets, whereas viewName and MainPH represent the view and outlet names.

Custom banners

You can also create banners from the application code independently of the SDK. To do this, you can utilize the onSynced parameter of the syncView method. Under this scenario, the OnSynced callback is invoked when requesting the banners for the sync activity:

Client.shared!.syncView(viewName: "ViewControllerName", placeholders: [MainPH], onSynced: {(result: Dictionary<String, PlaceholderContent>) -> Void in
    if result["MainGeneral"] != nil {
        let content:PlaceholderContent = result["MainGeneral"]!
        let size = content.banners.count
        print("Total banners \(size) found for placeholder")

To retrieve the views from the content of placeholder:

let banner = content.banners[0]
let v:UIView = banner.getView()

or the content of an HTML banner:

let htmlBanner = banner as! HtmlBannerView
let htmlContent:String = htmlBanner.getHTMLContent()

To initialize the funnel from a banner:

let funnel = banner.getFunnel()

or dismiss it:

let funnel = banner.getFunnel()

Dismiss and redirect protocols

Prisma Campaigns exposes extensibility points through the following protocols:

  • PrismaRedirectHandler.onRedirect is called when a funnel redirect step is executed. For example, you can use this mechanism to browse to an URL via SFSafariViewController to prevent the user from exiting the app. By returning true, you can tell Prisma to not execute its default action (going to the URL in Safari).

  • PrismaDismissHandler.onDismissed is invoked when someone dismisses a campaign from a banner, and returns true to indicate that Prisma should not sync the view.

import Prisma

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, PrismaRedirectHandler, PrismaDismissHandler {
    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        Client.load(server: "localhost", port: "8080", appToken: "22dae0ad-a6a8-4767-80bc-b29098147813", customer: "1234", redirectHandler: self, dismissHandler: self)

        return true

    func onRedirect(url: URL) -> Bool {
        return true;

    func onDismissed() -> Bool {
        return true;

Library reference

There are two available methods to integrate the Prisma framework into your project:

  1. Manual integration requires copying Prisma.framework into the folder of your project, and then adding the reference as follows:

  1. Integration via CocoaPods involves adding the Prisma pod to your Podfile as shown below. Optionally, you can do the same with Jumio:
# Prisma requires iOS 9.0; Jumio requires iOS 10.0
platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'MyProject' do
  pod 'Prisma', :podspec => ''
  # pod 'JumioMobileSDK/Netverify', '2.14.0'

Finally, install the pod to your project with pod install.

Connectivity permissions

If you need to use http, add the following exception section to the Info.plist file in your project to explicitly allow insecure connections. To do so, edit the file and replace your-server-address with the IP address or server name of the Prisma Campaigns server you will be using.
