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The Appcelerator Titanium SDK allows developing native, cross-platform mobile applications. Prisma Campaigns supports both the Classic approach and the Alloy (MVC) framework once you copy the corresponding JavaScript components to a project’s directory.


The SDK consists of 4 files, with prisma.js being the main one for your integration. Assuming that prisma-sdk -which contains the complete SDK- exists in the current folder, you can import the module as follows:

Prisma = require(prisma-sdk/prisma)

The next step consists of performing the integration itself based on the framework version. However, it is worth noting that the SDK utilizes callbacks -regardless of the version- to load both banners and popups.

Classic approach

To integrate the SDK in Classic mode, copy prisma-sdk as a subdirectory in the Resources folder:

The following example illustrates the strategy where FirstView integrates a placeholder called PHNAME, which is synchronized when the view is created:

var Prisma = require('prisma/prisma');

function onBannersLoaded(view, banners)
   //banners is a dictionary with key the name of
   //each requested placeholder containing the list of images or htmls
   //a to display

function onPopupFound (view, popup) {
  //el popup has the width, hight and banner to display in the following attributes:

function FirstView () {
  var self = Ti.UI.createView();
    Prisma.load(server, port, app-token, customer-id, [{placeholderId: PHNAME}], protocol,
                {onLoaded: function (banners)
                  onBannersLoaded (self, banners);
                 onPopup: function (popup) {
                    onPopupFound (self, popup);
  return self;

module.exports = FirstView;

where the onBannersLoaded function takes a single image from the list of banners that are available for the given placeholder:

function onBannersLoaded (view, banners)
    var placeholderDefinition = banners["MainGeneral"];
    // Select the first one banner, if there is more than one a carrousel could be set.
    var firstBanner = placeholderDefinition.images[0];
    //If the banner has an image link
    if (typeof != undefined)
      var image = Ti.UI.createImageView({image:});
      image.addEventListener('click', function(e){image.addEventListener('click', function(e){ ("Starting funnel");
        var url = firstBanner.funnel.getFunnelLanding();
        Ti.Platform.openURL (URL);
      view.add (image);
    //if the banner has HTML content
  else if (typeof firstBanner.content != undefined)
    var webview = Ti.UI.createWebView ({
      html: firstBanner.content
    view.add (webview);

As you can see above, only the first banner is obtained as images[0]. If more than one banner exists, you can set up a carousel or banner list.

Alloy framework

In this case, you will have to copy the prisma-sdk directory into assets:

Next, you can integrate it into popups or views with placeholders very easily:

Prisma = require("prisma-sdk/prisma");

function onBannersLoaded (view, banners)
   //banners is a dictionary where the keys are the names of
   //each requested placeholder containing the list of images or html code
   //to display

function onPopupFound (view, popup)
    // popup contains width, height and the banner to be displayed in the following attributes

function prismaInit(
    var self = $.getView();
    Prisma.load(server, port, app-token, customer-id, [{placeholderId: PHNAME}], protocol,
                {onLoaded: function (banners)
                    onBannersLoaded (self, banners);
                 onPopup: function (popup)
                    onPopupFound (self, popup);
    return self;

$.index.addEventListener('open', prismaInit);

Under this scenario, the view’s open event will initialize the campaigns and sync the placeholders by name (as shown by the use of PHNAME above).