Using Datasyncs via APIs

Last updated:

The data syncs REST API allows you to operate with different types of synchronizations -import, export, and removal- to keep your app automatically up to date with your data sources.


All data synchronization APIs can be authenticated if you wish. This must be enabled in each data sync and an auth token is generated that will then be sent in each API concoction.

Every request must provide a basic authentication header.

Parameter Description
username api
password API_TOKEN

Each token is data sync specific, in this way we can remove a data sync without affecting the operation of the rest.


This endpoint allows you to interact with the API to import customers, customers’ campaign data, or priorities (optimized model). In the latter case, the columns of the file to be synchronized must be those that are explicit in the model import.

URL Method
/api/data-sync/import/DATASYNC_ID POST

The DATASYNC_ID field is a unique data sync ID provided by the Prisma campaigns platform.

Request information must be a valid multipart form-data.

The form data must meet the following schema:

Parameter Description
file CSV file to be imported

The result is defined by one of the following HTTP status codes:

Code Description Body
200 The operation was completed successfully File queued
404 Data sync not found
403 Auth failure
500 Internal error


This endpoint enables you to interact with the API to export customers, campaign results, or unsubscribes. This API will return the latest successful launch.

URL Method
/api/data-sync/export/DATASYNC_ID GET

The DATASYNC_ID field is a unique data sync ID provided by the Prisma campaigns platform.

The result is defined by one of the following HTTP status codes:

Code Description Body
200 The operation was completed successfully CSV File
404 Data sync not found
403 Auth failure
500 Internal Error


This API uses the same spec as the Import API.

Data Sync Status

This endpoint provides a way to obtain the latest information about a data sync execution of any type (import, export, removal).

URL Method
/api/data-sync/DATASYNC_ID GET

The DATASYNC_ID field is a unique data sync ID provided by the Prisma campaigns platform.

The result is defined by one of the following HTTP status codes:

Code Description
200 The operation was completed successfully
404 Data sync not found
403 Auth failure
500 Internal Error

The response is an EDN or JSON object which includes the following information:

  :name "Datasync Name"
  :status "enabled"
  :latest-launch {
    :status "cancelled",
    :scheduled-time "2022-01-14T20:00:00",
    :status-message "Cancelled by user:"
  :next-launch "2022-01-17T13:00:00"
  "name": "Datasync Name",
  "status": "enabled",
  "latest-launch": {
    "status": "cancelled",
    "scheduled-time": "2022-01-14T20:00:00",
    "status-message": "Cancelled by user:"
  "next-launch": "2022-01-17T13:00:00"
Key Description Possible Results
name Data sync Name
status Data sync Status enabled, disabled
latest-launch Object with the latest execution status (optional)
next-launch Date time (UTC) of the next execution (optional)

Latest Launch Schema

Key Description Possible Results
id Last execution ID (useful to download launch files)
status Latest execution status scheduled, finished, cancelled, running
scheduled-time Schedule Date time (UTC)
started-at Date time (UTC) when the launch was started (optional)
status-message In case of an error, a status message with useful information (optional)
next-launch Date time (UTC) of the next execution (optional)

Note: The server may return an EDN or JSON object, depending on the content of the Accept and Content-Type headers. It is worth noting that the latter is mandatory.

Latest Launches

This endpoint returns the latest data sync launches of any type (import, export, removal).

URL Method
/api/data-sync/DATASYNC_ID/latest-launches GET

The DATASYNC_ID field is a unique data sync ID provided by the Prisma campaigns platform.

The result is defined by one of the following HTTP status codes:

Code Description
200 The operation was completed successfully
404 Data sync not found
403 Auth failure
500 Internal error

The response is an array of EDN or JSON object which includes the following information:

  :status "cancelled"
  :scheduled-time "2022-01-14T20:00:00"
  :status-message "Cancelled by user:"

   :status "finished"
   :scheduled-time "2022-01-13T20:00:00"
  "status": "cancelled",
  "scheduled-time": "2022-01-14T20:00:00",
  "status-message": "Cancelled by user:"

   "status": "finished",
   "scheduled-time": "2022-01-13T20:00:00"
Key Description Possible Results
id Last execution ID (useful to download launch files)
status Latest execution status scheduled, finished, cancelled, running
scheduled-time Schedule Date time (UTC)
started-at Date time (UTC) when the launch was started (optional)
status-message In case of an error, a status message with useful information (optional)
next-launch Date time (UTC) of the next execution (optional)

Note: The server may return an EDN or JSON object, depending on the content of the Accept and Content-Type headers. It is worth noting that the latter is mandatory.

Launch Download

This endpoint makes it possible to download the file generated for a specific launch of a data sync of any type (import, export, removal).

This API is useful if one of the synchronization processes failed, and we want to import the files again, or if we want to examine a faulty imported file.

URL Method
/api/data-sync/DATASYNC_ID/LAUNCH_ID/download GET

The DATASYNC_ID field is a unique data sync ID provided by the Prisma campaigns platform, whereas LAUNCH_ID field represents a unique launch ID that can be obtained by querying the latest-launches API.

The result is defined by one of the following HTTP status codes:

Code Description Body
200 The operation was completed successfully Generated CSV file
404 Data sync not found
403 Auth failure
500 Internal error